UK Wedding Trends: 5 Tips to Stay Ahead as a Planner

UK Wedding Trends: 5 Tips to Stay Ahead as a Planner

The wedding planning industry has expanded substantially over the last few decades. Around 15% to 20% of couples get professional help to organize their weddings. The job of a wedding planner is quite tough. They must plan and execute a brilliant and memorable event within the couple's budgetary constraints while managing the nerves and stress of the wedding.

It can be a lot. Here are a few tips that can be helpful if you are a professional wedding planner striving to survive in the industry while keeping up with market trends:

Know the Latest Trends

Trends are always changing and evolving. Wedding trends, in particular, may vary depending on the season and the latest style in vogue. As a wedding planner, you must keep up with all the latest trends and styles.

As a wedding planner, you need to be aware of the aesthetics that are in demand. In addition to this, you should know the details of each trend. Most people are familiar with just the basic elements. But it is the details that bring out any aesthetic or style alive. 

Cottagecore, for example, is a popular trend nowadays. People understand cottagecore as having a very traditional, almost dated look. Wedding planners must think of each and everything about the aesthetics, from the flowers to the food and even the invites, because the trend must be consistent throughout. You cannot pick different trends and attempt a cohesive look. It will not work. 

Remain updated by reading magazines and blogs on not just weddings but fashion in general. Fashion and styles dictate what is trendy in the realm of weddings. For instance, when big hair was the trend in the 70s and 80s, brides were also styling their hair to reflect what was fashionable at that time.

Don’t be Afraid to Voice your Opinions

Yes, couples have their tastes and preferences and you must value their input since it is their big day. At the same time, you are an expert. Wedding planners are hired not just to make things happen, but for their invaluable advice and feedback. 

While there are some couples or individuals who have a vision of what they want, most do not. Weddings are extremely nerve-wracking affairs. No one is more stressed than the couple because not only must they worry about the wedding ceremony and all the preparations required, but they must also deal with the emotions of committing themselves to the person they love. 

In such stressful conditions, a voice of reason and authority might just be the ingredient needed to pull everything together. Provide guidance and advice when and where needed. Wedding planners know exactly what can be done and cannot be in the budget and the time provided by the couple. 

You may need to reject certain demands, due to various constraints. This is inevitable, however, be prepared to justify your stance and provide an alternative. There is an art to giving your opinions. Be firm but gentle and make sure that everyone involved is satisfied with the ultimate decision.

Get Rentals for Most Things

It is impossible to overstate the significance of rental for weddings. You can get everything from rental decorations to furniture hire in London for a wedding. People even rent wedding dresses and tuxedos to wear on their big day. 

Rentals are a lifesaver. The most major reason for getting rentals is cost savings. It is much more economical to rent a piece of equipment or cutlery for a few hours to organize an event spanning a couple of hours. 

Additionally, most wedding-related things are only needed for a few hours. Sure the bride may want to keep the wedding dress or the wedding bouquet she held forever as a reminder of the beautiful day she got married. But most things become useless as soon as the party ends. It is only logical that the wedding setup, equipment, furniture, and other accessories are acquired on a rental basis and returned promptly.

There is another huge advantage to rentals; flexibility. As a wedding planner, you can cater to any theme or aesthetic if you are well-connected with various vendors that provide rental services for weddings and other events. You can quickly arrange for any kind of wedding style.

Plan and Stay Organized

This may sound like general advice that is vague and broad. But it is extremely necessary. Planning does not mean simply having a plan. You need to organize that plan and have it in a written format. Create a calendar or a diary and carefully divide up all tasks according to their logical sequence in your planner. 

This way you can remain on top of things and identify any areas of delay in time to manage them. Share this planner with the couples so they are kept in the loop as well. They must know how hard you are working on making their wedding day special. 

Be on Your Toes on the Big Day

Even with the planning and organizing, you never know what you will have to deal with on the day of the wedding. Do not feel relaxed until the big day is over and the happy couple has gone their merry way. on the day of the wedding, wear formal yet comfortable clothes. Shoes, in particular, must be such that you can run in them if needed. 

You will have to constantly go back and forth and check up on every single detail. Running between the ceremony venue, the kitchen, and the reception area is likely to be more frequent than you imagine so brace yourself. Better make sure your phone’s battery is fully charged because you will be making several calls. 

You will essentially be directing the whole event and this means a whole lot of work. It will be the culmination of weeks or even months of hard work so you need to ascertain that nothing goes wrong. 

Making Dreams Come True

The wedding day is a big deal. It is a dream for most couples who look forward to the celebration of their love and togetherness. It is a major responsibility to take on when you get hired as a wedding planner.

You are not only in charge of organizing an event but also of ensuring that you can deliver on the couple's vision. This makes the job even more challenging but doubly rewarding.

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